The birth of a child is happiness. But only if relatives are healthy. What does a person feel and how the wife of which died a week after childbirth lives?

The doctor leaned over Karin and said: “I talked with hematologists. It looks like you have acute leukemia “. It happened on March 19, 2012. This day divided my life into “before” and “after”.

We arrived at the maternity ward only a few hours ago. We lived with Karin for 10 years, and five days ago she had symptoms of a cold, and now it became difficult for her to breathe. We were afraid that it could be pneumonia, which is dangerous for the child. Karin was 35, it was her first pregnancy, and there was very little time left before childbirth.

We were worried about the child, but the gynecologist assured us that everything was in order with him. I was worried about Karin. But all that I could do is put a wet towel on her forehead and say: “Everything will be fine, dear”, although I was not sure of that. She spent all her strength on her breath. Closer to midnight, she tried to remove the oxygen mask, I leaned over it and was able to hear: “Libya”. And I understood everything.

Doctors gave Karin sleeping pills. The next day, she was supposed to be transported to another hospital to make a cesarean section and immediately begin the course of chemotherapy. And I went home to sleep a little and take a toothbrush for Karin. “Goodnight, my Love. See you soon, ”I said goodbye. And I read the answer on her lips: “Good night, beloved”.

Karin wanted a child for a long time, but I did not want. I agreed to become a father only a few years later. She became pregnant, after six weeks there was a miscarriage. We tried again and again.

On her last birthday, I brought her flowers and a glass of champagne on her bed. She ran to the bathroom and returned from there with a positive pregnancy test. “You can drink my champagne. I already have a gift, ”she said.