Changing one’s attitude or behavior to match a perceived social norm. When he was a teenager, my son often enjoyed looking at photographs of me and my wife taken when we were in high school. Have a vision of where the group is going and attempt to stimulate and inspire their workers to move beyond their present status and to create a new and better future. Regular leaders who work with their subordinates to help them understand what is required of them and to get the job done.

obedience refers to

We will also use the “just following orders” notebook which can be found on google drive. Responding to an order or command from a person in a position of authority. Conformity that results from a concern to act in a socially approved manner as determined by how others act. Conformity that results from a concern for what other people think of us.

Electroencephalogram Recording and Analysis

The third was a confederate who pretended to be another participant. Furthermore, Fielder believed that these factors were ordered in terms of their importance, with leader-member relationships being more important than task structure, which was in turn more important than position power. As a result, he was able to create eight levels of the “situational favorableness” of the group situation, which roughly range from most favorable to least favorable for the leader. The most favorable relationship involves good relationships, a structured task, and strong power for the leader, whereas the least favorable relationship involves poor relationships, an unstructured task, and weak leader power. Let’s consider first the person part of the equation and then turn to consider how the person and the social situation work together to create effective leadership. The simulation of online book purchase used in this study is rather simple and based on significantly reduced amount of information provided.

  • This came under attack with women’s suffrage[citation needed] and the feminist movement.
  • Rather, he felt that it was the social situation, and not the people themselves, that was responsible for the behavior.
  • Furthermore, the pressure to conform tends to be implicit, whereas the order to obey is typically rather explicit.
  • In addition, for both conformity and obedience decisions, augmented P3 was observed when the reviews consistency (either negative or positive) was higher.
  • In his defense, Milgram was not unconcerned about the effects of the experience on his participants.

But decades of research on conformity and obedience make it clear that we live in a social world and that—for better or worse—much of what we do is a reflection of the people we encounter. To understand this obedience, Milgram conducted a series of laboratory investigations. In all but one variation of the basic obedience refers to procedure, participants were men recruited from the community surrounding Yale University, where the research was carried out. These citizens signed up for what they believed to be an experiment on learning and memory. In particular, they were told the research concerned the effects of punishment on learning.

Obedience (human behavior)

Accepted the goals of society, but pursues them with means regarded as improper. Are bonded to our family members, friends, and peers in a way that leads us to follow the mores and folkways of our society. Since 1976, more than __________ people in the U.S. have been executed by individual states. All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and pupils of psychology . Any unauthorised copying or posting of material from this site is a copyright infringement and could result in legal action being taken against you.

obedience refers to

Obedience was induced by forcing participants to buy the book with lots of negative comments. P3 and N2, two kinds of ERP components which are assumed to be social cognitive related, were recorded and studied in this study. Even though behavioral data displayed no remarkable differences between conformity decisions and obedience decisions, ERP results suggest that obedience triggered bigger cognitive conflicts than conformity. On the surface, the subjects were easily influenced by both majority opinion and authority command. Deep inside, however, they were more struggling when making the obedience decisions. In the ERP, greater amplitudes of N2 component were observed in the context of obedience.

Milgram’s Obedience Study

However, obedience must be distinguished from other types of social influence, including conformity. If you had been a participant in this research, what would you have done? Virtually everyone says he or she would have stopped early in the process. And most people predict that very few if any participants would keep pressing all the way to 450 volts.

The experimenter explained that the goal of the research was to study the effects of punishment on learning. After the participant and the confederate both consented to participate in the study, the researcher explained that one of them would be randomly assigned to be the teacher and the other the learner. They were each given a slip of paper and asked to open it and to indicate what it said. In fact both papers read teacher, which allowed the confederate to pretend that he had been assigned to be the learner and thus to assure that the actual participant was always the teacher. While the research participant (now the teacher) looked on, the learner was taken into the adjoining shock room and strapped to an electrode that was to deliver the punishment.